conax for interisti...



vond dit bij de Pool ,misschien kan iemand met originele conax kaart daar wat mee):

"NOTE:- I have no financial interest whatsoever in satellite tv nor do I

work in this or any related field. This is purely an educational hobby for

myself and I do not condone any theft of a service.


Canal Digital (Conax) Subscription packets:-

The subscription packets used by Canal Digital are in fact VERY easy. Only

two bytes are used with NO actual encoding.

The packet is given by the C6 instruction. To give an example:-

Make a small log using Decrypt or similar and enter subscription mode. The

packet you want looks like this:-

ddc6000003 > 1c 01 00 98 31 '...˜1 '

ddca000031 < 32 2f 60 10 01 0f 43 61 6e 61 6c 2b 20 20 20 20 '2/`...Canal+ '

20 20 20 20 20>30 02 2d 12 30 02 23 13<20 04 01 ' 0.-.0.#. ..'

03 ff 03 30 02 01 01 30 02 01 01 20 04 01 03 ff '.ÿ.0...0... ...ÿ'

03 98 31 '.˜1 '

Broken down to make it easier to read, the CURRENT start and finish

subscription bytes (marked) are, starting at byte 22:-

30 02 Send next two bytes (Start date of current subscription)

2D 12

30 02 Send next two bytes (End date of current subscription)

23 13

Start subscription

2D 12 = (13-February 2001)

(30 02)

End subscription

23 13 = (03 March 2001)

The high nibble of the first byte is set at +2 to indicate that the year

is 200X. (Not that it matters now but 199X = +0 here). The next bytes lower

nibble is the month (2=February etc).

Day number (13th) is the lower nibble of the first byte (D). If this were

any day number greater than 0F then the rest of the number is simply

added to the higher nibble. I.e. to change the above example to start at

30-08-1 would give 3E because 1E (30th) (+2 for year 2000) = 3E. The next

byte would have a 1 for higher nibble to indicate year (2000)+1 with the

lower nibble set to 8 for the month. So the whole caboodle for a subscription

start at 30-08-1 would be 3E 18.

None of this is as difficult as I make it sound. It is VERY simple.


So for a subscription to start at 20 June 2001 and end at 31 October 2001:-

Start XX XX (30 02) End XX XX

Start day is 14H (20th) so we put 14 here:-

Start 14 XX (30 02) End XX XX

Start month is 06 so we put 6 here:-

Start 14 X6 (30 02) End XX XX

Year is 2000+ so add 2 to high nibble for 2000 here:-

Start 34 X6 (30 02) End XX XX

Rest of year 200(1) is added here:-

Start 34 16 (30 02) End XX XX

End subscription is done exactly the same way:-

So subcription start and end packets becomes:-

34 16 (30 02) 3F 1A

PREVIOUS SUBSCRIPTION of the above example starts at byte 36:-

30 02 01 01 30 02 01 01

Work this out for yourself!

All you now have to do is stuff your own numbers into a Conax card and there

you go. PHOENIXED!"


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