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Publican las Fuentes de Lin_Cemu92 con Nagra 2 incluido... No saltarse de la silla, la versi?n incluida para Nagra 2 corresponde a la extinta Rom 101, al menos en el Proveedor Espa?ol. Lo interesante de este archivo es que contiene el c?digo fuente de este Emulador inicialmente escrito para el mercado USA versus dishnet. Cemu est? basado a su vez en el old C?digo de Wapoo "Wapoo era un programador que escribia c?digo para las denominadas AVR en tiempos de Nagra 1", el cual a su vez m?s tarde escribi? c?digo para los USA. Todo un conglomerado de intercambios, pero interesante de...Leer m?s!
El Firmware que se public? en Agosto para el STB FS3 de Galaxis con Nagra 2 Embedded, se compil? con las librer?as originales... En eBookHackers vamos a hablar de ello. Investigaremos un poco c?mo fue compilado y que portaba en aquel momento dicho Firmware en sus entra?as. Tambi?n analizaremos c?mo fue el trabajo para extraer el emulador de dicho Firmware que estubo debilitado a drede. Vale la pena conocer la historia de este Firmware.

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They publish the Sources of Lin_Cemu92 with Nagra 2 including... Not to skip of the chair, the version including for Nagra 2 corresponds to extinct ROM 101, at least in the Spanish Supplier. The interesting thing of this file is that it contains the source code of this Emulator initially written for market the USA versus dishnet. Cemu is based on old Code of Wapoo "Wapoo was as well a programmer who escribia code for the denominated AVR in the days of Nagra 1", which later wrote code for the USA as well. Everything a conglomerate of interchanges, but interesting of... Reading more! The Firmware that was published in August for STB FS3 of Galaxis with Nagra 2 Embedded, was compiled with the original bookstores... In eBookHackers we are going to speak of it. We will investigate a little how it was compiled and that it carried at that moment this Firmware in its entrails. Also we will analyze how it was the work to extract the emulator of this Firmware that estubo debilitated to drede. It is worth the trouble to know history this Firmware

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