Anal+ begint zelf met piraterij !!!


redneck eyeball

Canal Plus owners to compete with Napster

The recently formed Vivendi Universal, owners of Canal Plus the European wide pay-TV company, has confirmed plans to compete with the troubled Napster to offer music online. Chairman Jean Marie-Messier confirmed that the company is partnering with Sony Music Entertainment to develop a music service. Reuters reported that the service called "Duet" would have access to music put out by Universal and Sony, and is in "advanced discussions" with other labels to license their music. "We hope to license 50 percent of the world's music," confirmed Messier. The new service is expected to launch this summer as both a subscription service and as a pay-per-listen option. When asked if there had been discussions with Napster, Messier replied, "We often thought that an alliance with Napster would be the only possibility but I don't believe it is right to give the advantage to pirates." [24/02/2001]

Originally posted by redneck eyeball Canal Plus owners to compete with Napster




When asked if there had been discussions with Napster, Messier replied, "We often thought that an alliance with Napster would be the only possibility but I don't believe it is right to give the advantage to pirates." [24/02/2001]

Hahaha. En hij gelooft dat het gaat werken. Het is dat ik zelf geen always-on Internet heb, dus de links ook niet opschrijf. Maar er zijn er nu al zo'n vijf die precies hetzelfde doen als wat Napster niet meer mag....


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