Echostar 3000 ip viaccess



I try to find a tpscrypt firmware for my echostar 3000 ip Viaccess. Until now I have tried 3 different firmware with no success. Has somebody something recent for me ? I can use any typ of card. Thanks and best regards.

Your mining is not correct. This of coarse the official opinion of Echostar. Finaly I have found a firmware tpscrypt which is working with Tp... and C..l. there are only 6 to 7 progr. whitch are not working. In fact it is working at more than 90%.
I try now to find a hex for Fun or Atmega, because i found only something for pic2 and it is not very fast.
Thanks anyway for reply and all the best.
Thanx for the correction
So there are third party firmware . I haven't found them yet
Can you help me to look in the wright direction?

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