How to get TPS AES keys on Viaccess silvercard or funcard ?



Could someone please explain in which keys the so-called TPS AES codes need to be allocated ? In the space for the keys, I can not allocate a string of such a length ? (the AES code is too long)
I use Silver Conax editor (for silvercards) and Fun Via 1&2 Editor (for funcards).
My receiver is a Aston Simba 202 (Viaccess)

I have been able to place keys on a silver or fun card before and they work. But TPS is a hard cookie ...
Thanks for your input.
The AES key is 16 bytes long and thus 2 * 8 bytes. So split the 16 bytes in 2 * 8 and you have two pair of keys. Find out what key represents the first 8 bytes and do the same for the second 8 bytes. Due to board rules we will not explain you that.

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