Nieuwe CamX 1.09 emu


satellite eu

Er is 'n nieuwe versie van CamX verschenen; versie 1.09.

Dit is 'n gedeelte uit de change-log:


This is still a beta version for test.

Supports dutch c+ smartcard ecm/emm & sharing
**only in lower slot**

Emu does ecm on i/s/s2/v/n/t/c
Emu does emm on i/n
**requires /var/keys/SoftCam.Key**
**requires /var/keys/AutoRoll.Key**
**requires /var/keys/Conax.Key**

Config files included
**must be in same dir as camx and server /var/bin**
**or on i386 in same dir as server-i386**

- 1.09
* Removed s2-emu support for the time being
* Camx now NG, server+client in 1 no more loose files
* Removed SC support from camx, moved all SC to server thread
* Fixed bugs in network EMM



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