Dat is simpel zat, kijk eens op de site van overdrive die hebben hele stukken voorbeeld code.
En hier alvast iets om je opweg te helpen.
send CBEG (ASCII) followed by the commando
byte 1 in the command desciptor block is the command, then access the box with read/write
CEBG Description
A Get length of Channel-Settings for CBEG B
B Get Channel-Settings
C Send Channel-Settings
D Send SBR-File (8 Byte Filelength + File)
E Get Version Information
F Send System-font (4096 Byte + CRC)
G Get General Settings (1255 Byte + CRC)
H Send General Settings (1255 Byte + CRC)
I MPEG-Decoder Resync
J get actual channel-number and -name
K get actual picture resolution
L get channel number
M Get Videoencoder Registers (5B,5C,5D,5E,5F,62,63,64,65,66,7A,7B,7C)
N Send Videoencoder Registers (5B,5C,5D,5E,5F,62,63,64,65,66,7A,7B,7C)
O delivers the table with the pictures length
Pvvvvaaaattttppppeeee switches the pids
vvvv = Video
aaaa = Audio
tttt = Text
pppp = PCR
eeee = PMC
Q read 64K of Video-Memory from given startadress (start adress:$00038600)
R Cold Reboot (same as Hilfe-Hilfe-9)
S Transponder Scan
Tfffffssssscp2d switches the tuner
fffff = frequency
sssss = Symbolrate
c = FEC
p = Polarity(H/V)
2 = 0/12V Flag
d = Diseqc
V Send Teletext-font (12800 Byte + CRC)
X Get current Freq.,Pol., SR, FEC
Y set display string
Z channel-change
1 freeze picture
2 start picture, if not locally paused (at box)
3 start picture, force
4 Pic 1 upload
5 Pic 2 upload
6 Pic 3 upload
7 pic 4 upload
8 pic 5 upload
9 pic 6 upload
0 Pic 7 upload
Offsets in Settingsfile
; 00 - l 'DVSO'
; 04 - w service_id
; 06 - w PMT-PID
; 08 - w frequency (binary)
; 0a - w sr (binary)
; 0c - b fec
; 0d - b acbw (binary)
; 0e - b pol (bit 0 used only)
; 0f - b (bit 3..2 = spectral inversion, bit 1..0 DiSEqC)
; 10 - w Video-PID
; 12 - w Audio-PID
; 14 - w PCR-PID
; 16 - w Flags (flags changed by software)
; 18 - w PMC (ECM PID used for Irdeto)
; 1a - b Flags (0=NTSC decode, 1=NTSC encode, 4=12V, 6/7=audio-mode)
; 1b - b service_type
; 1c - w teletext-PID
; 1e - w transport_stream_id
; 20 - 'Program Name' (0x18 = 24 chars)
; 38 - reserved
; 39 - reserved
; 3A - parental lock
; 3B - Countrycode (wolfgang)
; 3C - channel linkage
; 3D - b digicipher byte (reserved for rod)
; 3E - w network_id