From: rob9890@h...
Date: Thu Jul 26, 2001 10:02 pm
Subject: Wallbanger
Another Fix for NTV(3in1),I forgot all about 3in1 yesterday.
Now working in viaccess and irdeto.
The zip file includes Wallbanger.exe only.
CRC32 for Wallbanger.exe :629674E3
P.S if you are wondering about CRC32 : everytime there is a counter measure by some provider I keep seeing fake Wallbanger files on the net,check the CRC32 of Wallbanger.exe in the zip file before using.
bovenstaande maakt veel duidelijk denk ik, er zijn dus fake wallbangers, en de laatste officiele is dus 3.534 en is door de maker op 26 juli uitgebracht.