redneck eyeball
Net gelezen op s**4**l.
Humax Digital, Korean manufacturer of digital set-top-boxes has lost it’s IRDETO Access licence. According to well informed sources, Mindport IRDETO Access is under a lot of pressure by the German PAY-TV provider ‘Premiere-World’ and was forced to withdraw the IRDETO Access licence for Humax, which is needed to produce the IRCI-5400 set-top-box. Humax is herewith forced to seize production of their top-selling set-top-box.
Ik zoek nog verdere bevestiging ... ik hoop dat het niet
waar is ...
Humax Digital, Korean manufacturer of digital set-top-boxes has lost it’s IRDETO Access licence. According to well informed sources, Mindport IRDETO Access is under a lot of pressure by the German PAY-TV provider ‘Premiere-World’ and was forced to withdraw the IRDETO Access licence for Humax, which is needed to produce the IRCI-5400 set-top-box. Humax is herewith forced to seize production of their top-selling set-top-box.
Ik zoek nog verdere bevestiging ... ik hoop dat het niet
waar is ...